Boiling Point (or New Camp Rules, ok!)

Parental Advisory … feel free to miss this post out if you have a dislike of feet or have a weak stomach – just know in advance that all is well now!

Something always happens … Its called Sods Law or the Law of Equilibrium – Im having such an amazing time and the party was such a total, awesome surprise that something has to go wrong …

Or its just a case of probability … the more time I spend playing with fire, the more chance there is of getting burned.

The evening of the 1st May and I am merrily sitting outside my tent having cycled on from the party, had a great time looking down on the Donau from Bastai and marvelled at the rocks there … and I lose concentration for a split second a tip an entire pan of absolutely 100°c, straight off the Primus stove, boiling point water over my right foot and some on my left leg and foot.

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Day 1

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Day 4

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Day 6

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Day 6

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Day 7

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Day 10

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Day 12

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Day 24

Obviously I deal with the burn when it happens, unfortunately not being near fresh water on a campsite I am limited to what I have left over, cold, in my bottles … so I soak up what rainwater I can find, fill my waterproof sock with the water and sleep with my foot in that and in a waterproof bag.  I do not have my lavender oil with me (@&#*!+) but buy some the next day and douse my burns in it at regular intervals.

The 1st day is not too painful and it doesn’t look too bad I think but days 2 and 3 it becomes very painful and I stay in Prague feeling sorry for myself, sleeping a lot and eating fresh veggies in a bid to try to heal myself.

As with the earlier concerns regarding my knees and my back I am devastated by the thought of having to go back to the UK as a result of injury and I am acutely aware of the speed at which everything can change and of the delicate balance I walk between wellness and illness.

My life and health does not feel as determinedly set in stone as I like to think it is and fortune turns on a sixpence.

I eventually go to the hospital to get it checked as I am worried my foot might have an infection – I think my lymph glands are up in my armpit … turns out I am just so grubby I have a blocked follicle or in common parlance – a boil!

I am relieved when the burn is given the all clear, dressed and I am told to keep resting it … how boring … but I do as told for a couple more days and the pain turns a corner and I finally head out of Prague on my birthday.

It was quite an experience to be out of my home country, in pain, no family or friends around (I chose not to tell anyone until it was all sorted), no understanding of the healthcare system aside from Google info, no ability in the language of the country … it has made me consider the situation for people coming into the UK ie seeking asylum, and how it feels when there is a physical issue that needs help and vastly reduced resources or ability to tackle and feel in control of the situation … for me a physical issue very quickly deteriorates into an emotional situation and my feeling of being in pain and out of control led me to want to be in a hostel, around people and feeling some sense of security.

Once sorted out I felt much more able to move on again on my own, grateful not to be in pain and with diminishing reminders of the incident.

At the time of writing my foot right foot has very pink, new skin which I am keeping out of the sun or putting sun block on and I currently consider this my ‘trip tattoo’, so will probably not need to get one inked or a new piercing – this has effectively made the tangible marks I would be interested in getting from the other options!

I am also implementing new camp rules – when using the stove I am no longer seated and am fully engaged alert and aware … not always easy when tired but I have the marks to remind me of the danger of not keeping focused and the speed at which everything can change.

All is well now and I am sending much love to all and thankfulness to be continuing the trip xxx Rae

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Richard Thomas says:

    Ouch Rae ,it was a pretty bad burn and i think your fast actions may have prevented it be a far worse situation. …Richard and Teresa. ….Budapest


    1. Rae says:

      Thanks for the message … lovely to meet you both in Budapest … that one is next!!! Xx Raae


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